Price of Greatness = responsibility 


Hi, I'm John Vehikite, an educator turned software engineer. I have always had a passion for helping people and for technology, and this career path has been a beautiful marriage of both. I have assisted my clients and companies achieve their goals through software I have developed. I take pride in providing elegant technical solutions to complete all of my projects within tight deadlines. Collaboration with teammates, company leaders, and customers is a pleasure to do since that allows ideas to flourish and develop.

Though I have gained diverse skills and learned many different technologies, I love to keep learning and growing. Continued education, learning from mentors and mentees, feedback from managers, coworkers, and clients, sprint retrospectives, and practicing new and exciting tech stacks help me to evolve as an engineer.

Technology isn't the passion that completely drives me however. My family -- beautiful wife Norma and four amazing children -- is the driving force in my life. They make all of me better, including the software engineering side of me, so much so that my software company name, ZAV Dev Tech, includes my childrens' initials (yes, they all have the same ZAV initials). I am excited to show you the type of software an inspired father and husband can create!

John Vehikite

completed projects


mentees assisted


years of experience




  • Senior Software Engineer Plastiq

    Sep. 2019 - Present | San Francisco, CA / Remote

    Write modular, maintainable, Frontend (React) and Backend (Node) code with documentation across all of Plastiq product offerings (Pay, Accept, Connect) on and internal software (Phoenix), playing an integral role in getting Plastiq to its goal of getting acquired by Priority Technology Holdings

  • Software Engineering Mentor Thinkful

    Jun. 2021 - Present | Remote

    Assist 40+ past and present students through their education at Thinkful on topics relating to Fullstack JavaScript Engineering, including React, Redux, Node, Express, SQL, Jest, Data Structures, Algorithms, etc.

  • Senior Software Engineer Evoke Giant

    Jan. 2018 - Sep. 2019 | San Francisco, CA

    Worked on over 50 projects, including consumer-facing responsive websites using React, HTML emails, and iPad and desktop applications; took on as many as five projects simultaneously

  • Freelance Software Engineer ZAV Dev Tech

    Aug. 2016 - Sep. 2019 | Richmond, CA

    Worked directly with Calvano Development, Cuts by Norma, and other clients to create well-designed, responsive websites using React, Gatsby, GraphQL, Firebase, and Contentful (CMS), and auth0

  • Software Engineer Intern S&C Electric Company

    Jun. 2016 - Aug. 2016 | Alameda, CA

    Helped create the first S & C mobile app using React, C#, and Xamarin

  • Junior Software Engineer Nudge for Change

    Mar. 2016 - Jun. 2016 | Oakland, CA

    Spearheaded port of iOS app Nudge for Change to Android utilizing Android Studio, Java and MySQL, increasing app usage by 100% for over 10,000 active users.


  • Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering 

    2013-2017 | Brigham Young University - Idaho

    Relevant courses include systems security, web engineering, object-oriented programming, database and software design and development, technical communication, etc.

  • Associates Degree in Liberal Studies 

    2003-2006 | College of San Mateo

    Relevant courses include Java, software development

  • Online Learning 

    2017-Present | Udemy

    Relevant courses include JavaScript, React, Redux, AWS, SQL, Android app development, React Native, Python, C#, Unity, and more